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Swissfluid AG
Industriestrasse 40
CH-5600 Lenzburg
T +41 62 889 20 10
F +41 62 889 20 11
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Contact / Legal notice

Company Address

Swissfluid AG
Industriestrasse 40
CH–5600 Lenzburg
T +41 62 889 20 10
F +41 62 889 20 11

Legal Form

public limited company

Place of Jurisdiction

Lenzburg, Canton Argovia. The contractual relationship is subject to the laws of Switzerland. The „United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods“ (CISG) is not applicable.

Copyright for all Contents

Swissfluid AG, Industriestrasse 40, CH–5600 Lenzburg
swissfluid ag swissfluid ag